脚后跟贴拢,脚尖分开45,左右。双膝贴紧,挺胸收腹,扩肩,目视前方。 两手虎口交叉,右手放在左手上。面带微笑。显得精神十足。特别是在会所或者 售楼处进行保洁作业时,保洁员的站姿要求是很严格的。
That said, in some situations it may be desirable to turn this functionality off. Therefore, we also provide the ability to disable the data attribute API by unbinding all events on the body namespaced with `'data-api'`. This looks like this:$('body').off('.data-api')
标准规范:ASTM E162, ASTM D3675
标准规范:ISO 19702, ISO 9705, EN 45545-2,NES713,DIN 53436
$("#myModal").modal() // initialized with defaults $("#myModal").modal({ keyboard: false }) // initialized with no keyboard $("#myModal").modal('show') // initializes and invokes show immediately
【设备材料】晶面机、吸水器、水桶、毛巾、红色纤维垫、刀片、复合晶面 浆,告示牌和隔离带,"不准入内"告示牌若干个。
您不能总是避免在墙上弄脏或留下痕迹,尤其是当孩子或宠物在附近时。经过室内评估后,我们可以从上至下清洁家中每个房间的墙壁,以大程度地减少瑕疵。无论存在多少残留物,污垢,污垢或堆积物,我们都有清除所有残留物的工具和 洗墙经验。我们专注于内部 橱柜的清洁和组织,以帮助您保持清洁高效的空间。清洁并正确整理橱柜后,我们将通过清洁橱柜的外部完成工作。
$('#myModal').on('show', function (e) { if (!data) return e.preventDefault() // stops modal from being shown })
毛巾主要是保洁物体表面灰尘、水渍、液体污物。使用前要折叠整齐,一般 为3叠16面;但可根据具体作业面,进行不同的折叠面,以便更好地进行保洁作业。 毛巾折叠的好处是不仅仅体现了作业人员的专业性和外观整洁性,符合现代5S 管理。而且充分利用毛巾的每一寸面积,节约保洁的用水量,节省保洁劳动时间。 比如毛巾一面擦拭脏了,及时翻开另一面继续进行保洁作业。直至16个面都擦 脏了才进行毛巾清洗。擦拭时,一般从左到右或从上到下压痕作业,不可划弧线 进行擦拭,不可以出现漏擦。
(4) 不能在机器上压东西,因为它有1个精密的平衡范围,当操作需移动 操作杆时,必须先移动全部电线。
投标书是企业进行项目投标活动中重要的一个环节,关系到企业是否能够有 资格参与投标和中标的关键,是给物业公司或专业公司第一印象的重要资料。所 以,投标书制作要精美,内容编写要全面。投标书的装订好去专门装订标书的 门店进行。标书内容凡是有图片的部分尽量使用彩色图片,以显示出清洁公司对 招标方的重视程度。
<div class="modal hide fade"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h3>Modal header</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p>One fine body…</p> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <a href="#" class="btn">Close</a> <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</a> </div> </div>
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从业人员首要来源地区是广西,占比24 .9%,依次是湖南、湖北、广东、四川等地。
<button type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">Launch modal</button>
所谓职业道德,就是同人们的职业活动紧密联系的符合职业特点所要求的道 德准则、道德情操与道德品质的总和。通俗地说,就是个人在从事自己职业过程 中所体现出来的经过一定培训后带有明显职业行为特点的道德行为。比如说:“不 乱扔垃圾"是一个社会普遍存在的道德行为,但是作为一名保洁员,你不仅要突 破“不乱扔垃圾”的道德行为,还要承担在上下班途中,或经过同事岗位区域时, “主动拾捡垃圾”的道德行为,这种“主动拾捡垃圾”就是保洁员所体现出来的 职业道德行为。
Name | type | default | description |
backdrop | boolean | true | Includes a modal-backdrop element. Alternatively, specify static for a backdrop which doesn't close the modal on click. |
keyboard | boolean | true | Closes the modal when escape key is pressed |
show | boolean | true | Shows the modal when initialized. |
remote | path | false | A.挂“请速打扫”牌子的房间。
$('#myModal').modal({ keyboard: false })
叶面积仪 叶绿素 水势仪 光合仪 土壤碳通量 植物荧光成像 根系监测系统 气孔计 茎流计 导水率仪
6、 地面清洗:着重处理开荒保洁遗留下的漆点、胶点等污渍,然后用清洗机对地面进行清洗。
(8) 陶瓷材料被污染物主要包括:家中的瓷砖、陶瓷类炊具及装饰品、收藏品。
Event | Description |
show | This event fires immediately when the show instance method is called. |
shown | This event is fired when the modal has been made visible to the user (will wait for css transitions to complete). |
hide | This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called. |
hidden | This event is fired when the modal has finished being hidden from the user (will wait for css transitions to complete). |
$('#myModal').on('hidden', function () { // do something… })
WEEE(废弃电气和电子设备)和 SVHC(高度关注物质)等监管机构在一些非政府组织的投入下,也通过制定某些标准(例如美国保险商实验室(UL)、水平和垂直燃烧等级以及灼热丝测试)。
<div class="dropdown"> <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">Dropdown trigger</a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel"> ... </ul> </div>
<div class="dropdown"> <a class="dropdown-toggle" id="dLabel" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#" href="/page.html"> Dropdown <b class="caret"></b> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel"> ... </ul> </div>
(2) 机器增加加重铁,使用50#金属磨片6片,分别旋紧安装在两个磨头盘上, 将翻新机转速调到500转/分钟左右,放水并启动电机研磨。每次研磨1米2左 右面积,反复推拉3~5遍,将石材剪口部分研磨至平滑,研磨时水量适中,禁止 干磨。用吸水器吸干吸净地面。
用湿地拖拖干净地面。待地面风干后,将地垫放回原位。每周更换清洗地垫 1次,内外地垫的摆放要求整齐。
<body data-spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar">...</body>
13 控 制 器:大屏幕触摸屏输入显示控制器;
<a href="#home">home</a>
must correspond to something in the dom like <div id="home"></div>
$('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () { var $spy = $(this).scrollspy('refresh') });
(3) 拖地时不要弄湿电梯厅门,以免腐蚀。
Name | type | default | description |
offset | number | 10 | Pixels to offset from top when calculating position of scroll. |
Event | Description |
activate | This event fires whenever a new item becomes activated by the scrollspy. |
尺寸:长×宽×高=521mm × 506mm × 565mm。
改革开放以来,伴随着国家经济的高速发展,城市化进程飞速加快,特别是 近十几年,许多城市建筑如雨后春笋般拔地而起,加上人们对高品质生活的追求, 人们对工作场所和生活场所,甚至休闲场所的环境要求也越来越高。建筑物室内 装修也朝高档、复杂、人性化发展,大量昂贵装饰材料和配套设施的广泛应用使 得室内的环境面临人为的污染与破坏。人为的污染与破坏使得传统的保洁方式不 能满足人们要求,专业的保洁日益受到人们的关注。在此基础上,专业的保洁队 伍就产生了。
$('#myTab a').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).tab('show'); })
它用尼龙织造的地毯耐久性好,防腐、防霉、防蛀、耐酸碱、耐拉伸、耐 曲折等性能强,耐磨损性特别好,价格低廉,缺点是容易产生静电、不耐热、 易燃烧、易污染。
$('#myTab a[href="#profile"]').tab('show'); // Select tab by name $('#myTab a:first').tab('show'); // Select first tab $('#myTab a:last').tab('show'); // Select last tab $('#myTab li:eq(2) a').tab('show'); // Select third tab (0-indexed)
<ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li><a href="#home" data-toggle="tab">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#profile" data-toggle="tab">Profile</a></li> <li><a href="#messages" data-toggle="tab">Messages</a></li> <li><a href="#settings" data-toggle="tab">Settings</a></li> </ul>
(12) 外地垫的保洁:每天用吸尘器吸地垫上的杂物纸屑,每晚揭开地垫, 用扫把将地面灰尘、沙粒扫干净。
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab"> <li class="active"><a href="#home">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#profile">Profile</a></li> <li><a href="#messages">Messages</a></li> <li><a href="#settings">Settings</a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="home">...</div> <div class="tab-pane" id="profile">...</div> <div class="tab-pane" id="messages">...</div> <div class="tab-pane" id="settings">...</div> </div> <script> $(function () { $('#myTab a:last').tab('show'); }) </script>
Event | Description |
show | This event fires on tab show, but before the new tab has been shown. Use event.target and event.relatedTarget to target the active tab and the previous active tab (if available) respectively. |
shown | This event fires on tab show after a tab has been shown. Use event.target and event.relatedTarget to target the active tab and the previous active tab (if available) respectively. |
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown', function (e) { e.target // activated tab e.relatedTarget // previous tab })
图13 FTT辐射板火焰蔓延测试仪
Tight pants next level keffiyeh you probably haven't heard of them. Photo booth beard raw denim letterpress vegan messenger bag stumptown. Farm-to-table seitan, mcsweeney's fixie sustainable quinoa 8-bit american apparel have a terry richardson vinyl chambray. Beard stumptown, cardigans banh mi lomo thundercats. Tofu biodiesel williamsburg marfa, four loko mcsweeney's cleanse vegan chambray. A really ironic artisan whatever keytar, scenester farm-to-table banksy Austin twitter handle freegan cred raw denim single-origin coffee viral.
(1) 用晶面机配以红色纤维垫清洗地面。用刀片处理刷洗不掉的黏附物,吸干地面。
Name | type | default | description |
animation | boolean | true | apply a css fade transition to the tooltip |
html | boolean | false | Insert html into the tooltip. If false, jquery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom. Use text if you're worried about XSS attacks. |
placement | string|function | 'top' | how to position the tooltip - top | bottom | left | right |
selector | string | false | If a selector is provided, tooltip objects will be delegated to the specified targets. |
title | string | function | '' | default title value if `title` tag isn't present |
trigger | string | 'hover' | how tooltip is triggered - click | hover | focus | manual |
delay | number | object | 0 |
在美国,许多州还禁止使用卤化阻燃剂,因为它们对环境有毒性。这种向更环保替代品的转变将增加对低烟无卤阻燃剂的需求,进而推动市场增长。 衣物中的水分会导致霉菌或虫卵大量繁殖、生长。因此,衣物必须清洗干 净、彻底晾晒后才能入柜贮存。全毛羊绒类衣物晾晒时要避免阳光直射。在梅雨 季节里,穿过的衣服不要马上收起来,要把它先放置起来,等汗水、雨水除去之 后再收进橱柜或箱子;衣服洗完后要拿热水袋烘干,再挂起来晾干;也可用电风 扇、电吹风等吹干衣物。 1.新的水泥砂浆、混凝土表面需经一段通风干燥保养期,让墙面充分干燥,使墙面含水率小于10%,PH值小于10方可施工。通常在25度,相对湿度65%的条件下水泥砂浆墙面要干燥7天以上,混凝土墙面要干燥21天以上。 |
<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="first tooltip">hover over me</a>
07 试样架可以上下及左右进行移动
标准规范:BS 476 (20-24), BS EN 1363 (1-2), BS EN 1364 (2), BS EN 1365 (2-4), BS EN 1366 (1-3), ASTM E 119, ASTM E 814, ASTM E 1966, UL 263, UL 1709, UL 1479, UL 2079, UL10 (B-C), ISO 834 (1, 5-7, 9), ISO 6944 (1-2), ISO 3008
尾气检测 烟气分析仪 甲醛分析仪 臭氧分析仪 红外气体分析 粉尘测定仪 气溶胶 氨气分析仪 TVOC 空气检测仪 微生物采样器 气体采样器 烟气采样器 粉尘采样器 颗粒物采样器 气体稀释仪 酸雨采样器 粒子计数器 粗、细颗粒物双道采样器 热导式气体分析仪 尘量分析仪 TSP采样器 PM2.5采样器 PM10采样器 在线自动监测系统 等
烟密度测试箱在各个领域广泛应用,主要用于测定材料燃烧所产生的烟雾以及有焰和无焰燃烧下的光学密度;也可后期扩充FTIR 傅立叶红
Name | type | default | description |
animation | boolean | true | apply a css fade transition to the tooltip |
html | boolean | false | Insert html into the popover. If false, jquery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom. Use text if you're worried about XSS attacks. |
placement | string|function | 'right' | how to position the popover - top | bottom | left | right |
selector | string | false | if a selector is provided, tooltip objects will be delegated to the specified targets |
trigger | string | 'click' | how popover is triggered - click | hover | focus | manual |
title | string | function | '' | default title value if `title` attribute isn't present |
content | string | function | '' | default content value if `data-content` attribute isn't present |
delay | number | object | 0 |
① 用半湿毛巾擦洗厨房内的所有物品和百叶窗等。 2- 公共场所集中空调通风系统清洗。 ④、安全带 以上7种组装成一个坐式高空吊板。 |
7、 地角线保洁:用湿毛巾全面擦拭,着重处理没有清洁掉的漆点,再用干毛巾擦拭后分材质而喷上家私蜡。
通过我们的 浴室清洁服务,我们开始除尘以去除蜘蛛网和污垢。然后,我们擦拭水龙头,镜子,门把手,台面和脸盆。我们还对厕所进行消毒,并清洁淋浴墙和浴缸。
(2) 做好翻新前石材裁缝工作。对地面整体的石材缝隙进行裁缝,使用石 材切割机配超薄型切片(1毫米)进行裁缝处理。裁缝人员应专人熟练操作,操 作时不歪斜、走直线。裁完缝后,应用毛刷和吸尘器清理缝隙中的杂物与尘土。
● 取下冷却后的转盘、转盘支架,用温肥皂水清洗,再用清水洗净擦干。转盘和轴环清洗完毕后,切记要按原样复位,以避免产生噪音。
<a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#">×</a>
b) GB/T 20284 FIGRA(=FIGRA0.4MJ)≤750W/s
Event | Description |
close | This event fires immediately when the close instance method is called. |
closed | This event is fired when the alert has been closed (will wait for css transitions to complete). |
$('#my-alert').bind('closed', function () { // do something… })
(1) 洗手间的保洁标准:洗手间地面无杂物、无灰尘、无积水、无污渍。大、小便器、马桶无污垢、无水锈、无堵塞、无积尘。洗手间内无臭气、无蚊虫、苍蝇, 无污渍,表面光亮,镜面明亮。浴缸、洗手盆等无水锈、无污 窗、玻璃、镜面无灰尘、无污染、无蜘 保持空气清新。洗手间内洁具、设备干净。
* Requires the Transitions plugin to be included.
<div class="accordion" id="accordion2"> <div class="accordion-group"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion2" href="#collapseOne"> Collapsible Group Item #1 </a> </div> <div id="collapseOne" class="accordion-body collapse in"> <div class="accordion-inner"> Anim pariatur cliche... </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-group"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion2" href="#collapseTwo"> Collapsible Group Item #2 </a> </div> <div id="collapseTwo" class="accordion-body collapse"> <div class="accordion-inner"> Anim pariatur cliche... </div> </div> </div> </div> ...
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#demo"> simple collapsible </button> <div id="demo" class="collapse in"> … </div>
(1) 用铁钩打开井盖,用捞筛捞起井内的浮物,防止其下流时造成堵塞。
纤维测试仪 织物测试仪 色牢度仪 计时计数计长仪表 皮辊加压测力仪 印染类测试仪器 纱线类测试仪器 等
Name | type | default | description |
parent | selector | false | If selector then all collapsible elements under the specified parent will be closed when this collapsible item is shown. (similar to traditional accordion behavior) |
toggle | boolean | true | Toggles the collapsible element on invocation |
$('#myCollapsible').collapse({ toggle: false })
温度计 红外热像仪 红外测温仪 温度记录仪 等
Event | Description |
show | This event fires immediately when the show instance method is called. |
shown | This event is fired when a collapse element has been made visible to the user (will wait for css transitions to complete). |
hide |
This event is fired immediately when the hide method has been called.
hidden | This event is fired when a collapse element has been hidden from the user (will wait for css transitions to complete). |
$('#myCollapsible').on('hidden', function () { // do something… })
<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide"> <!-- Carousel items --> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="active item">…</div> <div class="item">…</div> <div class="item">…</div> </div> <!-- Carousel nav --> <a class="carousel-control left" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev">‹</a> <a class="carousel-control right" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">›</a> </div>
11 功率加热电压:0~100 V可调
固体污垢主要是尘土、烟灰微粒与有机质、铁锈类的金属氧化物以及人体排泄的上皮细 胞碎片、盐类等。
叶面积仪 叶绿素 水势仪 光合仪 土壤碳通量 植物荧光成像 根系监测系统 气孔计 茎流计 导水率仪
Name | type | default | description |
interval | number | 5000 | The amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item. If false, carousel will not automatically cycle. |
pause | string | "hover" | Pauses the cycling of the carousel on mouseenter and resumes the cycling of the carousel on mouseleave. |
$('.carousel').carousel({ interval: 2000 })
(2) 清除井内的沉沙,用铁铲把黏在井壁的杂物清理干净。
(10) 工作完毕后用清水清洗泡箱和地毯刷。
Event | Description |
slide | This event fires immediately when the slide instance method is invoked. |
slid | This event is fired when the carousel has completed its slide transition. |
<input type="text" data-provide="typeahead">
Name | type | default | description |
source | array, function | [ ] | The data source to query against. May be an array of strings or a function. The function is passed two arguments, the query value in the input field and the process callback. The function may be used synchronously by returning the data source directly or asynchronously via the process callback's single argument. |
items | number | 8 | The max number of items to display in the dropdown. |
minLength | number | 1 | The minimum character length needed before triggering autocomplete suggestions |
matcher | function | case insensitive | The method used to determine if a query matches an item. Accepts a single argument, the item against which to test the query. Access the current query with this.query . Return a boolean true if query is a match. |
sorter | function | exact match, case sensitive, case insensitive | Method used to sort autocomplete results. Accepts a single argument items and has the scope of the typeahead instance. Reference the current query with this.query . |
updater | function | returns selected item | The method used to return selected item. Accepts a single argument, the item and has the scope of the typeahead instance. |
highlighter | function | highlights all default matches | Method used to highlight autocomplete results. Accepts a single argument item and has the scope of the typeahead instance. Should return html. |
<div data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="200">...</div>
, affix-top
, and affix-bottom
. Remember to check for a potentially collapsed parent when the affix kicks in as it's removing content from the normal flow of the page.
$('[data-spy="affix"]').each(function () { $(this).affix('refresh') });
Name | type | default | description |
offset | number | function | object | 10 | Pixels to offset from screen when calculating position of scroll. If a single number is provide, the offset will be applied in both top and left directions. To listen for a single direction, or multiple unique offsets, just provided an object offset: { x: 10 } . Use a function when you need to dynamically provide an offset (useful for some responsive designs). |